National Dog Day: Looking for a New Best Friend? Your Guide to Canine Companionship

 **National Dog Day: Is It Time to Adopt a Furry Friend? Here Are 2024's Top Dog Breeds**

National Dog Day, celebrated every year on August 26, is the perfect opportunity to consider whether you're ready to welcome a loyal, four-legged companion into your life. But how do you choose the right pup for you? According to experts, it depends on your lifestyle and preferences. To help,, an online pet care marketplace, partnered with Ancestry to uncover the most popular dog breeds across the nation and their unique personalities. This is the sixth year they've conducted this insightful survey.

With dogs being our faithful companions from childhood through our later years, it's no surprise that approximately 65.1 million Americans own a dog, making them the most popular pet in the country, as reported by Forbes.

"Anyone who has ever had a dog knows the pure joy of coming home to a wildly wagging tail," said Phil Tedeschi, a professor at the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver, who leads a program dedicated to the human-animal bond, in an interview with USA TODAY.

In July 2024, Rover surveyed 1,000 U.S. pet parents to discover which dog breeds are most popular and to explore the personality traits commonly associated with each breed.

**What Are the Most Popular Dog Breeds in America?**

According to Rover, the eight most popular dog breeds in America are:

1. Non-designer mixed breeds
2. Labrador Retrievers
3. Goldendoodles
4. Golden Retrievers
5. German Shepherds
6. Chihuahuas
7. French Bulldogs
8. Dachshunds

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